
Whatever is true,

Let is sink in deep.

Whatever is not true,

Let it go.

They will return to me and turn away from their vile images and detestable practices.  I will give them an undivided heart and put a new Spirit in them; I will remove from them a heart of stone and give them a heart of flesh.  Then they will follow …

They will return to me and turn away from their vile images and detestable practices. I will give them an undivided heart and put a new Spirit in them; I will remove from them a heart of stone and give them a heart of flesh. Then they will follow my ways and keep my Word. They will be my people and I will be their God. (Ezekiel 11:18-20)

Sign Board

Your purpose begins with God.

The truth will protect you from the bias of unbelief.

A Biblical worldview protects you from ungodly manipulation.

Never trade your freedom in Jesus for political promises.

From 1967-2015 over 60 million lives and 20 million black lives have been aborted in America.

Only God can make a baby.

The door to God is open to all who receive Jesus.

Christ is the foundation on whom all must stand or fall.

Faith without truth is false religion.

Only the Spirit of God could have authored the Bible.

Every belief will be judged by the truth.

One person with a Bible has authority to tell the majority they are wrong.

Without a Biblical base, social justice becomes injustice.

Godly governing overcomes worldly politics.

God is your Father, not the government.

The same God who created everything, gave us the Bible.

When America obeys Jesus, her sanity will be restored.

Where God is ignored, freedom is forfeited.

Those who believe and obey Jesus keep America free.

Evil blames others for its own behavior.

Government is meant to serve Christ, not replace Him.

One person with Christ is a majority.

Man turns churches into prisons and God turns prisons into churches.

Only Christ deserves the highest place in America.

The Kingdom of God is meant to be the culture of America.

Jesus gives freedom the world cannot touch.

True freedom comes by faith in Jesus Christ.

The door of repentance is wide open.

In Christ you are completely free to obey God.

People always underestimate the evil of sin and the goodness of God.

All that was lost is restored by Jesus.

The will of God never contradicts the Bible.

Holding to Biblical truth will see you through temptation.

If it leads you away from the Biblical truth, don’t trust it.

When feelings lead one way and the Word of God another, trust God.

Only a Biblical foundation can withstand the pressures of life.

Never confuse the will of the majority with the will of God.

God is bringing all things in heaven and on earth under Christ.

God works out everything according to His own will.

Only God is autonomous and His Word is absolute.

All who receive Jesus have been chosen by God.

God draws people to Jesus, who reveals God to them.

Satan exalts himself above God and tempts people to do likewise.

Temptation entices human nature to commit immorality.

Creator is always greater than creation.

Biblical truth will protect you from the undertow of mainstream opinion.

The greatest evil is to put any created thing above the Creator.

If you love to please God, then do as you please.

The standard for discerning right from wrong is the Bible.

Justice cannot exist without morality.

Worldliness is overcome by a Biblical worldview.

The truth begins with God.

Humanism is humanity trying to be autonomous.

You should love all people but not all opinions.

A racist is more concerned about skin-tone than character.

You cannot solve real problems with wrong solutions.

Humanism is the attempt to make mankind the center, rather than God.

Nothing compares to experiencing the presence of God within you.

Peace with God comes through faith in Jesus Christ.

The truth divides those who reject it, but unites those who seek it.

If you cannot legislate morality, you should not legislate immorality.

Never confuse the will of God with mainstream opinion.

All who know the one true God recognize Jesus.

Refuse to be dominated by what is seen or felt.

We live with trouble but we live by the Spirit of God.

The Truth remains even if the whole world rejects it.

COVID should teach the world what sin is like.

Distance yourself from sin but not from Jesus.

The beauty of creation points to the character of Christ.

The heart of the Problem is the need for Christ.

To believe that all religions point to God, denies Jesus.

If God were democrat or republican, He wouldn’t be God.

The left and the right are just two roads leading to the same place.

The cross was the altar and Jesus, the sacrifice for your sins.

Mankind is reconciled with God and one another through Christ alone.

One may enter into the presence of God through Christ alone.

The presence of God will enter into you through Christ alone.

Without a Biblical foundation, individuals and societies collapse under pressure.

Christianity gives freedom without chaos, because it is the truth.

Christianity gives meaning and unity to all of life.

Christlike character supersedes gender, race and culture.

Jesus is radical because He is truthful.

Societies collapse because of inward rottenness.

There is no foundation strong enough for society that starts with man.

Without Christ, social justice becomes injustice.

Satan is trying to divide America any way he can.

Our enemy is the devil, not each another.

America must love and obey God above all.

Wisdom is for the mature but not the rulers of this generation.

We are because He is.

The Bible gives men and women the truth of ‘What Is.’

Worship is participating in the beauty of who Christ is.

Jesus came to transform our life from immorality to immortality.

You can choose the sin but not the consequences.

You are free to obey the truth but not determine it.

Life only works Christ’s way.

Righteousness preserves nations.

Bitterness consumes the vessel that contains it.

Evolution is a religion that demands immense faith.

To enter heaven you must either believe in Jesus Christ or be completely sinless.

The death of Jesus killed your sin.

The resurrection of Jesus raised you up.

The Spirit of Jesus transforms you from the inside out.

Violence is in the world because it is in the heart and only Christ can heal it.

The beauty of nature is the artistry of God.

The right to live supersedes the right to choose.

You cannot have liberty or pursue happiness without life.

Only God can make a baby.

There is nothing better than knowing God.

Knowing Jesus is better than anything this world can give.

Only those that don’t know Jesus don’t think you can.

If what you believe is not true, would you want to know it?

The simple fact that anything exists proves God.

You were created to live by the Spirit, not by your natural instincts.

Ask Jesus to quench your inner thirst with Living Water.

Rich, poor and middle class are destitute without Christ.

Everyone on the side of truth listens to Jesus.

The most powerful weapon in the world is the truth expressed in love.

Perception without truth is delusion.

Don’t let your love for things keep you from the love of God.

Forgiveness is the flipside of Love.

The unforgiving, without repentance, become the unforgiven.

The single leading cause of death in the world, is abortion.

Every aborted child has a name, given by God.

Everything was designed and made by Someone.

Let the Author of Life write your story.

God would never keep you from Jesus.

What God has instituted, let man not redefine.

Beware of those who try to move God’s boundaries.

Beware of media manipulation.

The only free will is God’s will.

Truth is not dependent on our accepting it.

Truth loves to be discovered, but falsehood hates it.

Truth cannot exist without love.

Love cannot exist without truth.

The wise look to God, but others look to themselves.

To withstand the coming storms, you must build your life on Christ.

Only the One who made you knows how to repair you.

The road to destruction is wide and well-travelled.

The path of Life is too narrow for most people.

Prayer is the start of an uprising against the disorder of the world.

The way to interpret the Bible is let the Bible interpret you.

The church has one Head, but the world has many.

You cannot embrace sin and love God.

Where God is ignored, government becomes the god.

Where God is ignored, the people run wild.

You can’t put God in a box, but you can put yourself in one.

An exaggeration is still a lie.

Who calibrates your moral compass?

Jesus is God’s example of normal human behavior.

How you live is your religion.

Choosing evil is always preceded by ignoring God.

Impurity is the seed of injustice.

Jesus embraces sinners, but never embraces sin.

Pride starts wars, but humility ends them.

Die to sin and live for God or live for sin and die to God.

The Bible helps you discern human rights from human wrongs.

Freedom is liberation from sin, not liberty to sin.

Education without Christ is information without wisdom.

Sin rules you until Christ is born in you.

Gratifying the sinful nature never ends in gratification.

Uproot what is false and plant what is true.

The truth never keeps anyone from seeking it.

Evil hates exposure.

The truth must never be sacrificed for political expediency.

Your soul rightly belongs to the One who made it.

The root of sin is self-interest.

Pride is essentially competitive.

It is impossible to sin responsibly.

Obeying Christ leaves not regrets.

Only Jesus can remove the sin that keeps you from knowing God.

Your mortality will end in either Life or death.

Sin destroys the soul that contains it.

Sin is that part of you that resonates with evil.

Love permeates all the attributes of God.

There is nothing in Jesus attracted to sin.

Satan does not like to let go of his prey.

If everyone knew the value of a soul, abortion would end.

America will go down until Jesus is lifted up.

The Spirit of God always points people to Jesus.

America needs to want to follow Jesus.

It takes an act of God to turn anyone to Jesus.

Born and unborn lives matter.

No one is good enough to atone for his own sin.

The Bible helps to free you from misconceptions.

Where Christ is ignored, evil prevails.

God put His Son in charge of everything.

You are meant to have feelings, but not to live by them.

Live by what is true, not by what you feel.

Truth is not a matter of opinion.

The only name God has authorized to stand for Him, is Jesus.

The temple of God is people indwelled by the Spirit of Jesus.

The church is people in whom Jesus lives by His Spirit.

God does not live in manmade buildings, but in Christ-born people.

Nations that cannot discern good from evil, become more evil.

Jesus frees people from the corruption of evil desires.

The ungodly love only themselves, but the Godly love others as themselves.

Correct your own life before criticizing another.

They that love truth seek it together.

Technology is a poor substitute for the Spirit of God.

Without Christ in you, the wrath of God is on you.

It is better to repent from sin than to legalize it.

God is more concerned about your maturity than your agenda.

The clearest picture you can have of God is Jesus.

God will condemn no one on the basis of skin color.

Character has nothing to do with race or gender.

Jesus is the only answer to the problem of evil.

In Christ all people become true brothers and sisters.

All that are in Christ are the family of God.

You must be born of God to become a child of God.

When Christ transforms the inward, He reforms the outward.

The incompatible, are made compatible, by the Original.

Prayer is meant to align you with God.

The will of God is too good to be accomplished without Him.

The more we love others, the more loveable we find them.

It is better to be forgiven than to live a lie.

Only Christ can heal the human condition.

Evil accuses but never corrects.

Jesus abolishes slavery to sin.

The Bible is the basis for morality and law.

Humanism breaks down under pressure.

Without Biblical absolutes, right and wrong become arbitrary.

Modern politics: Hate your opponent, demonize his/her motives, manipulate the truth.

God made Biblical truth the universal basis for society and government.

God judges behavior not skin color.

Biblical truth is the only basis for right and wrong.

Public opinion is a poor substitute for the truth.

Unity without Christ is impossible.

Knowing the Creator is even better than admiring His creation.

What people think determines how they act.

Only what is inside matters.

People will remain divided until they are one in Christ.

Christianity will never collapse because its Architect and Builder is God.

You have value because you were created by God.

Evolution degrades the image of God.

Evolution tries to make humanity sub-human.

Evil views black slaves and the unborn as sub-human.

Evil never loves and prays for its enemies.

Humanism degrades the image of God.

Humanism is surprisingly inhumane.

Humanism has no basis for morals and values.

Only a Biblical foundation gives freedom without chaos.

Evil distorts the truth to fit its agenda.

Time and chance can create nothing.

There will never be enough time for evolution to create anything.

Evolution tries to replace God’s love with survival of the fittest.

Seeking and holding to truth is not for the cowardly and lazy.

The Bible is God’s Word and creation, His works.

Reality begins and ends with God.

Creation begins and ends by the Word of God.

…Through Him all things were made; without Him nothing was made that has been made.  In Him was life and that life was the light of mankind.  The Light shines in the darkness, but the darkness has not understood it…  (John 1:3-5)

…Through Him all things were made; without Him nothing was made that has been made. In Him was life and that life was the light of mankind. The Light shines in the darkness, but the darkness has not understood it… (John 1:3-5)

Eternal life is knowing the only true God and Jesus Christ, whom He sent.

Jesus is the perfect image of God.

Through Christ alone, you have direct access to God.

Government is meant to serve God, not replace Him.

The authority of the church falls under the authority of the Bible.

Humanism falsely makes mankind, the center and measure of all.

The earth is not meant to be abused or worshiped.

Christ alone is our righteousness.

Fools begin with themselves but the wise begin with God.

Ignoring the words of God is rebellion against God.

The love of God overcomes the rebellion of man.

This is our Father’s world.

Your value comes from God, not your productivity.

Christ died for you because you are valuable to God.

Character is more than skin deep.

Education without the Bible is knowledge without wisdom.

Evil tolerates no absolutes that would judge its actions.

A Biblical worldview constrains the human passions that would break America.

Knowing what is right and wrong and why? shows we are moral.

You can comprehend the stars, but the stars can comprehend nothing.

Animals can’t pray.

Time and chance can never create order out of chaos.

Someone would have to bring order to the disorder caused by a Big Bang.

The arts and sciences reveal the genius and order of God.

All that was made was good, because God is good.


When we seek God, He finds us.

Prayer is our relationship with God.

Prayer is breathing in Christ and breathing out obedience.

Humanism is the loss of humanness.

It is more fulfilling to worship the Creator than the creation.

Only that which is weak and finite can be destroyed.

That which is eternal cannot be destroyed.

All ways to God, except Jesus, are closed.

The Bible reveals how things really are.

Evil tries to redefine what God has revealed.

Temptation entices human nature to commit immorality.

Humanism always leads to oppression.

Love is strong and courageous, not weak and co-dependent.

There is no law against love.

Evil ideologies appeal to the hatred in your heart.

The Body of Christ is unified, not uniform.

Evil demands conformity, but Jesus gives freedom.

Diversity becomes godless and immoral without Christ.

Some would rather be kings than servants.

Animals live by their appetites, but the godly live by the Spirit.

Godly governing overcomes worldly politics.

Mercy triumphs over justice.

True diversity is defined by the Body of Christ.

Those who love truth never become political.

The free praise God but slaves exalt themselves.


The wise begin with God but fools look to themselves.

Evil sees you and the unborn as non-persons.

Evil tries to turn diversity in to immorality.

Evil tries to turn justice into socialism.

Evil tries to create gods in its own image.

Political ideology can never replace Godly community.

Should people agree with you or with God.

God never second guesses Himself.

The God who Is, is the God of the Bible.

Some want America to be good, like God is good.

Speak the truth in love and live not by lies.

Live by the truth and expose the lies.

The Truth is for you but lies want to destroy you.

You are not a species.

You honor God, not by law, but by love.

Jesus saves you by forgiveness, not performance.

For all in Christ, God has your back.

The way of evil is suppression of the truth.

Knowing Jesus is not hypothetical.

Evil tries to put created things above the Creator.

The Body of Christ defines Godly diversity.

The unborn are as human as you are.

Clear perspective comes from Biblical truth.

Freedom is the enemy of oppression.

Evil promises to fulfill you while it enslaves you.

Stand in Christ and you will not fall apart.

Evil always points fingers but never looks in the mirror.

It is wrong to be radical if you are not truthful.

If you do not love God, you will not love your neighbor.

All who obey Jesus are free indeed.

Godly service overcomes political propaganda.

Where truth is lost, freedom is lost.

Evil always blames others for its own behavior.

The Holy Spirit enables us to participate in the Divine nature.

All nations will be judged Biblically.

Evil believes in guilt by accusation.

The best repentance is future avoidance.

The Bread of Heaven was delivered in the House of Bread (Bethlehem).

The truth will remain even if the whole world rejects it.

You may obey the truth, but you may not determine it.

The Holy Spirit is meant to be known, not critiqued.

Knowledge by acquaintance surpasses knowledge by description.

You are not saved by knowing Christian facts.

Through Christ, the Holy Spirit penetrates and purifies the human spirit.

The only Name that should lead America is Jesus.

The Holy Spirit clears the mind of conflicting thoughts.

Desired ends never justify evil means.

Satan likes to use, “Did God really say that?”

Followers of Jesus, listen for and wait for, His voice.

The voice of Jesus is the Holy Spirit.

Only the indwelling Holy Spirit can make human nature good.

It takes the whole body of Christ, not just a few, to reflect the truth.

God never gave America the freedom to ignore Him.

There is no valid law against Biblical truth.

Christ-in-you keeps the enemy out of you.

Keeping Christ in view keeps the devil at bay.

The sin of unbelief is the worst of all.

Never move into the darkness without the light of Christ.

Biblical truth supersedes popular opinion.

Generosity is about love, not affluence.

Without Christ-in-you, human nature is the enemy of God.

Satan attracts the self-focused.

Knowing Jesus cures loneliness.

Turning to Jesus turns you from sin.

The human will, is bound in sin, until Jesus frees it.

But if Jesus sets you free, you are truly free.

The right to live supersedes the right to choose.

Faith is sure of what’s coming and knows what the world can’t comprehend.

The Son of God will invade history again.

The deadliest sin of all is unbelief.

What God calls good, the world calls evil.

What the world calls good, God calls evil.

The more you keep, the less you have.

The more you give, the more you retain.

If your life is a dead end, turn around and follow Christ.

Don’t let your love for things keep you from the love of God.

It is never wrong to obey Christ.

The one and only way to God is His one and only Son.

Does how you live, truly reflect, who you are?

What America needs most is godly Americans.

Sin leads to wrong choices and hurt people.

Evil always ignores moral implications.

Rome was destroyed by what entertained her.

Wise people may deny religions but only fools deny truth.

Helping the weak makes you stronger.

Jesus is God’s example of normal human behavior.

Name one thing that wasn’t designed and made by someone.

Human rights never justify human wrongs.

Everyone that believes God receives Jesus.

Your soul rightly belongs to the one who made it.

The God religions don’t know is Jesus.

Laws are necessary but not sufficient.

It is better for the world to be against the church than in it.

Where Jesus is rejected, leaders become saviors.

The more you live for yourself, the less you seek God.

God wants unbelievers to know Christ and believers to obey Him.

Jesus frees people from the corruption of evil desires.

God draws people to Jesus and Jesus shows them God.

It is better to intercede for people than to bad-mouth them.

Jesus wants you. Satan wants you. We recommend Jesus.

If the Son of God sets you free, you will be free indeed. (John 8:36)

Sin must be repented, not legalized.

The mature intercede and the immature complain.

The clearest picture you can have of God is Jesus.

All that know and trust God, want to believe and obey Jesus.

Non-cooperation with evil is as important as cooperation with good.

When the majority ignore the word of God, democracy collapses.

The mentality that justified slavery, embraces abortion.

True instruction turns people from sin, not toward it.

Truthful love overcomes hypocritical lies.

Only Jesus can still the turmoil of the nations.

Where sin is removed, shame is gone.

Saving faith produces a moral response.

Those thrilled with success and depressed by failure are still worldly.

Fiery trials destroy the chaff and purify the gold.

Only evil wants to keep God out of government.

Put evil out of business by refusing to participate.

Love and truth cannot exist separately.

Where passion fizzles out, faith presses on.

Love is greater than feelings.

It’s better to wait on God than to throw a fit.

The evil of sin and the value of sinners must be held simultaneously.

If you know Jesus, you don’t have to know ‘why?’

Only an attitude of equality apart from race can heal.

The truth decides what is good and evil.

The Holy Spirit is the mark of the redeemed.

You can learn from history, but you cannot change it.

Live by what you believe, only if it is true.

The church is not behind the times; it is beyond them.

By criticizing others, you might be condemning yourself.

Evil promotes hate disguised as justice.

Justice cannot exist without righteousness.

Righteousness cannot exist without love.

Stubbornness is at the heart of unbelief.

Democracy without Biblical truth is shifting and collapsing.

The foundation of reality is the truth.

Those who love truth, contrary to trending opinions, are hated.

Jesus is radical because He is truthful.

We belong to the Church, but the Church does not belong to us.

Some would rather make laws than obey them.

Human reason alone, cannot comprehend Spiritual things.

The Spirit of God interprets the wisdom of God to the believer’s heart.

One evil never justifies another.

The love of money leads to many expressions of evil.

Evil despises integrity.

Righteousness is more valuable than money.

Stubbornness doesn’t want answers, just its own way.

Hell says, “We are all sinners, so why fight it?”

The steadfast trust and obey the Lord.

The shroud of sin enfolds the nations, until Jesus removes it.

Biblical truth is the universal standard of discerning good from evil.

The love of God can’t be bought or stolen, only given and received.

You must feed on the truth before defending it.

You can have your own opinions, but not your own truth.

Jesus forgives and heals but never decriminalizes sin.

Outward laws cannot overcome inward corruption.

The Spirit of God brings Biblical truth into normal conversation.

The problem of good and evil, is evil.

Do not stand for a bad cause.

Only the Spirit of Jesus and the Bible can be completely trusted.

Truth overcomes the tyranny of political correctness.

The Word of God is understandable but not negotiable.

Ungodly leaders come from ungodly nations.

God generously provides without adding trouble.

God saves souls and restores community through Christ alone.

The peace of God is better than the pleasures of sin.

The world preaches equity, but practices grab what you can.

Evil always wants to do the thinking for you.

Socialism appeals to the worst in those who feel exploited.

Evil wants to be seen as less evil than it is.

Truth wants to be seen as it is.

Laws cannot change the heart, but Christ can.

The world hates Jesus because He calls sinners out.

Biblical truth can withstand the pressure.

Societies endure or collapse from the inside out.

Jesus will subdue the nations with the truth.

“Even dogs know their own masters, but has America forgotten God?”

“A sinful nation, loaded with guilt, given to corruption, forsaking the Lord.” (Isaiah 1:4)

Evil always wants to appear normal.

Social justice must be grounded in Biblical truth.

True progress is impossible without God.

The fight of good over evil continues and will soon end.

Never confuse human wrongs with human rights.

Love plus truth equals freedom.

Truth validates belief, but belief never validates truth.

Only God can create something from nothing.

Only through Christ can you understand yourself.

Calling abortion reproductive rights is a lie.

A way to kill evil is to stop feeding it.

The way to overcome distrust is honesty.

Doubting God is fear that has gone too far.

God controls climate change.

Salvation must be personal before it can be social.

Your soul is made complete in Christ alone.

God never assumes or speculates.

The voice of God is self-authenticating.

The voice of God always aligns with Biblical truth.

Open your soul to Jesus and close it to sin.

Everyone will be forgiven or condemned Biblically.

Is sin keeping your life from the life of God?

Your true identity comes through Jesus Christ.

Evil tries to corrupt what God has made.

Obey Jesus, resist evil, promote truth.

Satan is trying to manipulate human society into his image.

Fools praise their own accomplishments but the wise worship God.

Satan says, “Without God, all things are possible.”

Evil forces compliance, but those who know God love Him.

America needs godly and competent government.

People ruled by politics lack integrity.

Obey Jesus and fear no man.

Too many live only for this life.

No one comes to Jesus unless God enables them.

Evil wants to take you down with it.

Truth is the enemy of evil.

The love of money promotes many forms of ungodly behavior.

Only Jesus has the power, the kingdom and the glory.

The godly want to free people and the ungodly, to enslave them.

Freedom is to live by the truth and slavery, to live by lies.

The King of Kings and Lord of Lords became human.

Jesus was born of woman so you could be born of God.

Jesus came because people are lost but valuable to God.

Your value to God is based on love, not money.

Whoever does the will of God is related to Jesus.

Biblical truth is backed by the power of God.

Evil tries to remove its history to promote its contemporary lies.

Evil wants to erase its past from the human mind, to write what it wants on a blank slate.

Compared to Biblical truth, Satan tries to appear progressive.

Embracing sinful behaviors promotes slavery.

Democracies not built on Biblical truth eventually collapse.

Loving and obeying Jesus Christ surpasses all political laws.

There is no way anyone can be saved without Jesus.

Only Jesus can connect you with the Spirit of God.

Only the Spirit of God can connect you with Jesus.

If you have never met God, turn to Jesus.

Whoever rejects what God says about Jesus, won’t be forgiven.

Freedom comes from seeking the Kingdom of God rather than worldly riches.

The viewpoint of God should be the goal of America.

Nations that ignore Christ lose their divine purpose.

The viewpoint of God is Biblical truth.

Spiritual resources are better than human efforts.

The strength of a nation comes from God not numbers.

We love God for who He is, not for what He gives us.

Jesus is our peace, not worldly circumstances.

The Holy Spirit assures believers of their salvation.

The Word of God overcomes devils and saves people.

If you are not listening to Jesus, you are distracted.

Keep obeying Jesus no matter what.

Lost nations elect ungodly leaders.

Biblical truth is meant for individuals and nations.

There is no freedom without Jesus.

There is no eternal life without the Spirit of Christ in you.

Believing and obeying Jesus would heal our nation.

Hypocrisy is the language of corruption.

Freedom in Christ gives courage to resist evil.

Jesus removes the sin that keeps humanity from God.

Evil forces try to confuse good and evil.

We believe in Jesus more than anything else.

America needs people who believe God and obey the truth.

Evil behaviors result from believing lies.

Godly servants are better than worldly kings.

Jesus must be first or America will not last.

There’s no black or white Jesus, just God Jesus.

The requirements of God are believing in His Son.

Truth is better than perceptions.

The church is the conscience of the state.

The church is people in whom Christ lives.

The state does not define the church, Christ does.

Jesus has authority over church and state.

The human condition cannot be healed by catering to it.

Only Christ can heal the human condition.

God never had abortion in mind.

Evil doesn’t care if its vision is a lie.

Knowing Christ is better than worldly pleasures.

Some are more afraid of obeying God than disobeying Him.

America is meant to embrace God and reject corruption.

Our true purpose begins and ends with Christ.

The darkness of sin cannot eclipse the light of Christ.

Temptation is evil trying to destroy you.

Yielding to temptation begins by ignoring the Word of God.

Salvation is Jesus forgiving you and giving you eternal life.

Faith is the power of Christ to change things.

Abortion like slavery falsely views its victims as subhuman.

Abortion like slavery does not value human life.

Loving God is better than craving pleasure.

Gender confusion is a form of temptation.

Forgiveness is better than vengeance.

Love is better than self-centeredness.

Democracies without Godly standards become free-for-alls.

Godliness is the foundation of enduring nations.

Every false agenda will be judged by the truth.

Self-centeredness leads to tyranny.

The kingdom of God is better than utopian ideas.

The reality of truth supersedes the bias of unbelief.

God does not measure success like the world does.

Your heart is more important to God than your appearance.

Godly character produces good behavior.

Evil only wants to destroy its opposition.

Christ came to save, not destroy his opponents.

The true meaning of rainbows should not be distorted.

The truth must never become unconstitutional.

The freedom of truth overcomes the tyranny of unbelief.

Unbelief is human, but freedom divine.

The bias of unbelief never overrules the freedom of truth.

The problem with the knowledge of good and evil, is evil.

God existed before science.

Humanity will not be judged by its own standards.

Biblical truth clarifies and corrects worldly perceptions.

Faith is the power of Christ to change things.

Doing the will of God must become the priority of America.

The Kingdom and Power and Glory belong to Jesus.

Evil likes to masquerade as social justice.

Corruption like cancer is progressive.

Obeying Christ is better than progressive and conservative.

Abortion like slavery falsely views its victims as subhuman.

Your soul is too valuable to entrust to anyone but Jesus.

Unbelief keeps people from the Kingdom of God.

Dark and empty is the soul without Jesus.

God is the only superpower.

The universal basis of morality is God and His Word.

Evil loves its own agenda, but the wise pursue truth.

Without Christ, faith is useless.

The state should operate according to truth, not politics.

Hell is wide open, but the path to Life is too narrow for most.

You are completely free to obey Christ.

Morality is the Word of God in action.

Jesus destroys sin and saves people.

Government should be less political and more Biblical.

Hypocrisy is the language of corruption.

Jesus saves because that’s what His Dad would do.

America is meant to be a Godly union.

Freedom comes by faith in the truth.

Religion without truth is useless.

America was not founded on unbelief.

Grudges eventually crush those who hold them.

A short record of wrongs leaves more room to do right.

There’s no freedom without truth, and no truth without God.

Democracies without God collapse from inward rottenness.

One Nation Under God is better than majority rules.

Evil promotes human rights without God.

We the people must obey God first and foremost.

Presidents are meant to serve our Savior, not replace Him.

Deception markets abortion as reproductive freedom.

God alone secures the future of America.

To falsely reimagine and redefine good and evil, is evil.

The grace of Jesus exposes our sin and applies the cure.

The good fight is against evil forces, not your neighbor.

Evil promises joy but delivers misery.

Evil pushes its agenda until the majority gives in.

Father, please make America a Godly nation.

Abortion is a reproductive atrocity.

Truth guards against political propaganda and media bias.

America must not yield to political corruption and media suppression.

Believe Jesus, Resist evil, Live the truth.

Evil is defeated by the blood of Jesus and Biblical Truth.

Evil loves its agenda but hates the truth.

Preborn human life is more precious than reproductive freedom.

Loving God is the basis of true freedom.

The will of God is more reliable than political agendas.

Never confuse political polls with the will of God.

Wise leaders live by the truth not popularity polls.

Never confuse the truth with media politics.

God honors those who obey Jesus.

Your soul is too valuable to entrust to anyone but Jesus.

Seek first the Kingdom of God, not government.

We the people must not embrace what God condemns.

Evil would rather exalt itself than serve God.

The same spirit that embraces slavery promotes abortion.

Evil fears exposure, so it hates the truth.

Evil promotes truth as lies and lies as truth.

Fear God more than rejection by the mainstream.

Evil promotes ungodly behaviors as human rights.

God never promotes what His Word condemns.

Codependency is unhealthy in life and government.

Everyone will be forgiven or condemned by God and His Word.

Those who turn others to Christ save souls.

Every nation will be judged by the truth.

Freedom is found in truth not politics.

Beware of those who reimagine and redefine good and evil.

Jesus has authority over heaven and earth and hell.

The lost cannot perceive or comprehend the will of God.

The Book of Life is for those in whom Christ lives.

The lost are found by turning to Jesus.

Evil exalts itself, but the wise exalt God.

If you want the truth, you must begin with God.

Politicians come and go but the Word of God endures forever.

100% of abortions harm babies and mothers.

God fills the hearts of those who receive Jesus.

You show you are a child of God by obeying Jesus.

Darkness fills the hearts of all who reject Jesus.

Killing millions of preborn babies is a reproductive atrocity.

When you love God, you spend your whole life getting to know Him.

When the majority follows the ungodly, democracy collapses.

The enemy leads people away from God and against each other.

Evil accuses its opposition but never admits wrongdoing.

There is nowhere that the authority of Jesus is absent.

99% of abortions are a matter of convenience, not health.

The Lord sees all things as they are.

Vote truth and substance, not bias and emotions.

Evil loves power but hates the truth.

God does not operate according to opinion polls.

God never gave anyone permission to ignore Him.

If sin wasn’t evil, we wouldn’t need forgiveness.

Nations that ignore God destroy themselves.

In Jesus God came to save you.

The coming of Jesus answered the question of who God is.

It is not a sin to worship Jesus.

Faith appropriates the life of Jesus.

The King of kings has come and will come again.

Jesus without religion, is better than, religion without Jesus.

Jesus wants to save his opposition, not destroy them.

Loving God is the basis of true freedom.

God reveals Himself to those who receive Jesus.

Human reason cannot comprehend the Spirit of God.

Prepare a place in your heart for Jesus.